Sunday, October 25, 2020

L A T E S T N E W S . . . from Alice!


The centre is still open 3 days a week but unfortunately we cannot welcome our members on a daily basis yet due to COVID 19. But it is very important for you all to know we are always here to help and support you in any way we can. I can be contacted on my phone every day on 087-4611309. Do not hesitate to call for any help and support you might need, even for a chat if you are feeling lonely or just need someone to talk to. We can deliver a nice fresh hot dinner, get some shopping for you or collect a prescription in the chemist. We can now deliver to outside the village of Portlaw so no matter where you live in Co. Waterford call us for help and support if needed.

All Computer Classes with Mary Curtis on Wednesday starting at 9.15.All courses will continue the use of internet, emailing and smart phone.

We can arrange Emergency Response system (Panic Button) installed into their home, for someone living alone or with any Health concerns. Please call to the Dr Martin Day Centre Portlaw, also there is an excellent offer at the moment. We can apply through Pobal for equipment, first year monitoring fee is free and 66 Euro  yearly after that. Anyone is welcome to help in our centre and I can also help with disability parking permits for anyone eligible.  

Dinner for only 7.50 Euro can be delivered; ring in order before 10.30 each morning on – 051-387111 /0874611309.

Would you consider becoming a Friend of the Dr Martin Centre as a Volunteer; can you spare a couple of hours?  If you would like to volunteer call into the centre or ring Alice Kiersey on 087-4611309-051387111. 

Any enquires please call   (051) 387111/ (087-4611309).                                                                                             ....................

(Above arrived in an e-mail while in hospital (UHW) for some days, preceded by another e-mail which said the Meals-on-Wheels service was still in operation, also that two rooms had been knocked into one, making quite a large dining room for when the centre eventually re-opens after Covid 19 restrictions are lifted)

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