Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Still another birthday . . .

Yes, another birthday to celebrate!

                                                                                                                                                                   This time it was Ann Richardson's.

Ann has been attending the Wednesday afternoon music sessions
since the centre opened exactly four years ago! 
Happy Birthday, once more, Ann!

Needless to say, the fine cake, baked by the centre's cook, Alice,
disappeared quickly among those present, when cut up.
The other Alice (the manager) shown here cutting up the cake, 
which was then distributed among those at the music session.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Looking In . . . . . .

Looking in last week was 
a first-time visitor from

Turkmenistan, about 80% of which is desert, lies east of the Caspian Sea. To its NW lies Kazakhstan; to the N and NE lies Uzbekistan, while Iran lies to the S and SW, with Afghanistan to the SE. The city of Merv was an important stop-over place on the ancient Silk Road. Of the 20% non-desert area, most of the irrigated land is devoted to the growing of cotton, which is exported to many worldwide countries. The population is over 5,000,000.

Natural Gas is the country’s greatest asset, being the world’s fourth largest resource.  

Friday, September 9, 2016

September Re-Opening


Next Flower Arranging demonstration will be held on Tuesday the 20th of September at 2pm; many thanks to Collette from Bláthanna for continuing this service as she has moved premises to Dungarvan shopping centre. We wish Collette all the best of luck in her new venture from all at the Dr Martin Day centre.
Computer classes start back on Wednesday the 14th /21st of September please ring centre on Tuesday for further information. Anyone interested in Irish classes please ring centre for further information.
Our Memorial Mass for our past member will be held on Thursday the 20th of October at 7pm. All family members and members of the community welcome. Just please ring the centre to let us know you are coming for catering arrangements.
Paul Brent Genealogy (Tracing your family tree) is coming to the centre on Tuesday the 20th of September to give us a talk on genealogy; so all are welcome to attend.
Genealogy (Tracing your family tree) classes held in the Dr Martin centre every Tuesday morning 11.30 till 12.30 from September. All welcome to attend ring centre for further information.
All older residents (65 and over) of Portlaw and surrounding areas are welcome to the centre;  call in for a cup of tea and chat any time;  you are always welcome.
All older members of the community of Portlaw and surrounding areas wishing to avail of the senior alert scheme (panic button), please call to the Dr Martin day centre for further information. The cost of this is 66 euro per year and anyone who wishes to pay a small amount each week please call to Kenny in the Post Office or Alice Kiersey in the Dr Martin Day centre for further information. Panic buttons will be installed shortly so if anyone will like to be considered for scheme, please call to centre.     -  Alice.