Sunday, August 31, 2014


It was a pleasant surprise recently when 
'Pilot' Conway
dropped in to one of our Wednesday music sessions,
and entertained us all for quite a while . . .

especially when two birthdays were being celebrated . . . 

Peggy Brophy's . . . 

. . . and Annie Dooley's

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

T H E L A T E S T . . .

                                                                                                                                                                   Next Outing:  Tramore and Copper Coast
Wednesday August 20th.

Next Mass at Centre:  September 9th at 11.00 am.
Thanks to our new curate, Fr. Richard O'Halloran,
for continuing to provide this service.

Thanks to Lady Waterford and Ann Walsh
for representiong the Centre and fundraising
at the Tannery Town Festival.
Much appreciated!

Centre closing for holidays on 21st August for two weeks.
Re-opening September 9th.

Contact numbers at top of this page.