Saturday, May 18, 2013


MASS in the Dr Martin Day Centre on Tuesday the 21st of May all are welcome to attend.  
                                                                                                                                                                    EYES ON THE ROAD MOBILE OPTICIAN will be at the Dr Martin on the first Thursday of every month for all members of the community. Service is free of charge to medical card holders. They provide an extensive range of frames, single vision, bifocal or varifocal spectacles are available. Forms are available in the centre, which need to be filled in before appointments. We provide holistic therapies such as a complementary therapist, chiropodist and a hairdresser are facilitated for on the premises. Booking for treatments is essential call the centre or the manager for further information. We provide an exercise programme on Wednesday’s from 11.30 to 12.30. Anyone ordering take-away dinners, if you could please let us know before 12 o’clock, it would be appreciated. 

VOLUNTEERS are needed at the centre - drivers, singers, and general helping. Please contact:
  Dr Martin Day Centre 051- 387111, Manager Alice Kiersey 087 -0570652.


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